Wednesday, 8 February 2017

A Shocking Waking Dream About Dripping Water: Post #2

  photo courtesy of

I am examining an upsetting waking dream in which a man committed suicide in his bathtub. He left the water running which subsequently dripped onto the bed of the tenant in the apartment directly below. (See my last post.)

The tenant whose bed was dripped on helped isolate the symbols of this waking dream. He was able to make metaphoric associations with each one. I simply asked him to “tell me about” them, and he made comments.

Tell me about…
*  Shaking:  Upset to the point of it affecting my physical body.
*  Apartment building:  A housing structure with a lot of different residents.
*  City:  A cosmopolitan area with high density population.
*  Night:  Mainly, a time of rest and recuperation.
*  Settling into bed:  Getting ready to release all the tensions, recover from fatigue and renew myself.
*  Bedtime meditation ritual:  A time of reflection and rebalancing. I try to put myself back into neutral.
*  Collecting my thoughts:  Putting things into perspective.
*  Get rid of tension:  Encourage a state of calmness within myself.
*  Lights turned off:  It creates an environment conducive to peace and calm and thoughtfulness.
*  Drifting into the mental space I like:  It’s the state I achieve that is most conducive to renewal and cleansing.
*  Water dripping onto my bed:  It disturbed my peace. It wasn’t supposed to be there. And it was a clear signal that something was wrong.
*  Coming from the ceiling:  I had no control over it because it was coming from some place above my apartment. It made me panic.
*  Move my bed and sleep elsewhere:  I couldn’t stay where I was because I’d get soaked, and for sure I wouldn’t be able to sleep.
*  Called the landlord:  I contacted the person who is in charge, who owns the building and is responsible when things go wrong.
*  Full story the next day:  It took a while for me to learn all the details and circumstances.
*  Committed suicide:  He killed himself. He ended his life. He died.
*  Left the water running:  Hot water makes the bleeding go faster, so you die sooner.
*  Dripping onto my bed:  His disappearing life force was in actual physical contact with me and was hitting my most private and intimate space.
*  Completely freaked out:  I’m beside myself. I can’t go back there. Everything has changed, and I would feel completely uneasy and disturbed trying to pretend that nothing had ever happened. I can’t just go back to doing things the way I always had.

Initial observations
There were two people involved in this incident. Obviously, for the one who lost his life, the experience was terrible. But it would be a mistake to bring that sense of grief and shock to the other participant. If you simply read his comments above, you can begin to see that the message to him was different. There are three themes in his dream: While in the process of rebalancing, a part of him dies, and he can’t go back to the way things were.

More on Friday.

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