We are eavesdropping on a dreamer wrestling with a nightmare
from which she awoke, crying. The imagery of the dream is intimidating. The
dream could easily be interpreted as foreboding and indicative of a major
crisis. But as we’ll see, it was more a case of the dreamer ignoring earlier
dreams on the same theme, dreams that used gentler imagery. When those earlier
dreams were ignored, her dreams became more emphatic, working harder to make
certain they were being noticed.
I have worked with the dreamer to translate her dream symbols
into metaphors. (You can scroll down to my last posts to follow that process.) Now,
we will reassemble the dream in its metaphoric version. As is typical, I have
inserted phrases like, “There is a part of me” to remind the dreamer that all
of the symbols in her dream represent aspects of herself. As you read the
reconstruction below, read it not so much for literal content, but for the
themes that seem dominant, especially if they repeat themselves throughout the
The reassembled dream
I’m looking down from above. I’m viewing the
place where I temporarily put the part of me that I use to get myself from one
place to another. I am not using this part of me at the moment. I’m watching
the part of myself that makes certain all of my systems are working properly. Another
part of me that I use to get me from one place to another has been destroyed
and parts of me are injured. It crashed into the part of me that is a border,
keeping my traffic in the right place. A part of me that was along for the ride
was wounded and was unable to function. This part of me should be still or it
will make matters worse. The part of me in charge of systems tries to assist,
to try and help with the healing process. But the injured part of me is trying
to harm the one who is helping. Suddenly, it seems as if the injured one is no
longer present in his body. Instead, he turns inhuman, otherworldly, sinister.
This part of me is influencing me even though I don’t invite him to. I am
frightened and in disbelief.
In this dream, there was the crash of a vehicle that resulted in
the injury of some facet of the dreamer. When the dreamer tries to do something
to help herself, the injured part of her resists and tries to cause even more
harm. This injured part of her seems to die away at first, but then it comes
back in an altered and even more sinister form. In the dreamer’s own words, “This
part of me is influencing me even though I don’t invite him to.”
With this summation and more concise restatement of the themes,
we now need the dreamer’s own help. What injured part of her won’t go away and
is being influential? We’ll find out tomorrow.
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